Logistics Executive

Employer Info

BFM International Company Limited

Company User

BFM International Co. Ltd. 是由上市物流公司組成的創業公司。BFM總部設於香港,為一家具有各方優勢的B2C2C跨境電商平台(baifo.me)。 BFM於短短半年間在全球成立四個辦公點(香港﹑深圳﹑北京﹑印度),並不斷擴充中。我們致力推進全球各地的電子商務發展。我們與世界各地各個相關領域的主要供應商達成合作,極積整合全球代購/海淘資源,服務世界各地市場不同的消費群體...Know more

Job Info
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Job brief

We are looking for a reliable logistics manager to be responsible for the overall supply chain management. Logistics manager responsibilities include organizing and monitoring storage and distribution of goods.

The goal is to manage the entire order cycle so as to enhance business development and ensure sustainability and customer satisfaction.


· manage logistics, warehouse, transportation and customer services

· Direct, optimize and coordinate full order cycle

· Keep track of quality, quantity, stock levels, delivery times, transport costs and efficiency

· Arrange warehouse, catalogue goods, plan routes and process shipments

· Resolve any arising problems or complaints

· Meet cost, productivity, accuracy and timeliness targets

· Maintain metrics and analyse data to assess performance and implement improvements

· Comply with laws, regulations and IATA requirements


· Proven working experience as a logistics Executive

· Record of successful distribution and logistics management

· Proficient in standard logistics software

· Excellent analytical, problem solving and organisational skills

· Ability to work independently and handle multiple projects

· BS in Business Administration, Logistics or Supply Chain

· Proficient in spoken English

· Average knowledge on the Ms Office. 

WhatsApp : 56057644 (Bella Lee)

Email : bella.lee@bfme.com 

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