倉 務 員 Warehouse Keeper (URGENT)
Employer Info
Hyakunousha International Limited
Company User
DO YOU LOVE JAPANESE RICE?At Hyakunousha, we take pride in our Japanese rice products and high standard services.We are a fast-growing chain of healthy Japanese food outlets with a target to open 2...Know more
Job Info
- 負責貨倉之事務及貨倉物流的運作正常
- 處理日常倉務工作,包括收發,包裝,產品檢查,點存
- 負責執貨,整理貨倉及協助定期盤點(需要使用唧車)
- 與公司各部門同事保持良好溝通
- 即時上班優先
- 每週工作5.5天,工作時間為07:30-17:30,輪休(須於星期六日或公眾假期上班)
- 荃灣區
- 中五或以上程度,有食品倉務工作經驗者優先
- 具良好溝通技巧,有責任感,有交帶,肯學肯做
- 年假 10 天
- 交通津貼
- 醫療福利
- 供膳食
- 超時工作津貼
- 男士侍產假 5 天
對以上職位感興趣的申請者,請將履歷電郵至 jobs@hyakunousha.com 遞交申請。
Whatsapp & WeChat: 9160 7599 (請註明申請職位)
Please do not provide sensitive info such as HKID, Back Account and Credit Card Number when you apply the job post.
Don't believe in job advertisements requiring barely any experience or qualifications but offering a good sum of money.