
Employer Info

Prowess Recruitment Consulting Limited

Company User

Prowess Recruitment Consulting Limited is a fast growing company and committed to providing recruitment executive research services. To effectively serve clients and candidates, as well as recruiti...Know more

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  1. 負責處理客戶貸款申請文件及表格
  2. 提供櫃檯服務及支援分行日常運作
  3. 解答客戶查詢及接聽電話
  4. 協助經理處理臨時任務


  1. 中學畢業完成公開試(成綪不拘)
  2. 良好溝通能力及流利廣東話
  3. 主動積極、待人有禮、願意學習新事物
  4. 經驗不拘,歡迎畢業生


12 日起有薪大假、雙糧花紅、醫療、在職培訓

申請人請將履歷表及期望薪金電郵至 jobs@prowess.hk。預約面試或查詢:電話28389621 / whatsapp 52234521 

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Don't believe in job advertisements requiring barely any experience or qualifications but offering a good sum of money.

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