Employer Info
Proceed Engineering Ltd
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We are a non-local based company aimmed at carrying out various types of electronics/electrical/electromechanical works in governmental or private sector projects. Know more
Job Info
電子電機工程公司誠聘工程項目全職/兼職文員工作內容:處理、跟進公司日常運作及工程項目的秘書、文書和人事工作,以及有關的行政程序工作時間:9:00-13:00, 14:00-17:30工作地點:葵涌/荃灣/青衣區(有外勤)要求:具2年以上相關經驗,細心及可獨立工作良好英文讀寫能力熟悉MS Office各項軟件持香港身份證薪酬︰月薪12000(全職) / 時薪70(兼職),試用期過後將視乎工作能力而調升最高 $1000(全職) / $5(兼職);全職年假12日加銀行假期,設績效BONUS(不少於月薪1個月)、OT(按時乘1.5)。有意請將CV及聯絡方式發送至proceedengineeringltd@gmail.com
Please do not provide sensitive info such as HKID, Back Account and Credit Card Number when you apply the job post.
Don't believe in job advertisements requiring barely any experience or qualifications but offering a good sum of money.