Accounting Clerk

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Nestle Hong Kong Limited

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雀巢,是世界領先提供營養、健康、幸福生活的公司。我們始終恪守“優質食品,美好生活”的承諾,為消費者提供一系列優質的食品與飲料選擇,從早到晚為他們生命的每個階段創造美好的生活。我們在超過150個國家僱用了約339,000名僱員,在世界上幾乎每一個國家都擁有業務。 雀巢深信員工是我們成功的核心。我們現正尋找有志於食品及飲品製造及銷售業發展的優秀人才申請下列職位空缺。  Know more

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Responsibilities:-Involve Financial Accounting & Accounts Receivable including processing payments, producing statement of accounts.-Internal control checking and participant of stock take, fixed asset/freezer count.-Assist in special Account Receivable project-Other ad hoc tasks as necessary-Candidate with more experience will be considered as "Accounting Officer"Requirements:-Undergraduate students with major in Finance is preferred-Strong communication skills in both written and spoken English, Chinese & Putonghua-Proficient in MS office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)-Immediate available is highly preferred

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