Employer Info
SD Electronic Materials (Hong Kong) Limited
Company User
SD Electronic Materials (Hong Kong) Limited is one of the subsidiaries of Showa Denko and is mainly producing copper clad laminates for printed wiring boards in Hong Kong. The Company incorporated...Know more
Job Info
- 現場培訓及現場工作
- 日常生產操作及質量控制
- 成品檢驗及包裝
- 化學品處理、電腦操作、庫存控制、庫存檢查、等…
- 保持工作環境清潔整齊,符合安全要求
- 確保生產過程符合公司的品質、安全及環境要求
- 協調機械改善工程和項目
- 輪調到不同生產工序,學習日常運作
- 處理直屬主管或部門經理委派的工作
- 參與安全、工作環境、操作過程及產品質量改善項目
- 收集及分析生產數據,以監控生產表現
Please do not provide sensitive info such as HKID, Back Account and Credit Card Number when you apply the job post.
Don't believe in job advertisements requiring barely any experience or qualifications but offering a good sum of money.