
Employer Info

Panda Media Limited

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Panda Media Limited founded in 2011, is a creative marketing communication agency based in Hong Kong. We are a team of young, energetic, creative professional in marketing solution. Cooperating wit...Know more

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 招聘兼職活動推廣員 2021 

工作內容: 產品/服務推廣 

要求: 18歲或以上, 要準時, 積極主動, 有責任心, 良好溝通能力 

衣著: 一般有上身衫提供, 長褲波鞋 

薪金: 另議 

出糧方法: 活動完成後7個工作天內戶口過數 

有興趣者請WhatsApp 67776577 人事部, 留下個人英文全名, 英文Nickname, 年齡, 個人生活近照2張, 工作經驗 


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