IT Support Engineer / IT programmer

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毛毛光影科技有限公司,致力於發展LED顯示幕行業,現代化立體投影技術,面向全國服務化性質為導向。毛毛光影集研發、生產、行銷、施工安裝和售後服務為一體的方案服務,產品包括:室內外LED電子顯示幕、LED全彩顯示幕、單雙色LED顯示幕,以及其他LED顯示幕配件,主打全彩LED透明顯示幕以及為客戶提供其他個性化LED投影屏設計和服務。  Know more

Job Info
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Job Responsibilities:--Setup and maintain internal IT system and standard procedure;--Record, update and document requests using the IT service desk system;--Identify and put forward recommendations on new IT trends to Line Manager;-Monitor network security, network quality and network equipment, and generate network quality report--Any other IT projects and assignments as directed;Job 

Requirements:--F7 or above in Information Technology, Applied Science or other related disciplines ;--Proven ability to learn and apply new technology;--A good team player with strong communication and interpersonal skills;--Mature, steady, and with ability to handle multi-tasks independently, hard-working and willing to work under pressure; 

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