Senior Scanning Operator (高級文件掃描員 - 全職) - 牛頭角

Employer Info

Iron Mountain Hong Kong Limited

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About Iron Mountain Iron Mountain Incorporated, founded in 1951, is the global leader for storage and information management services. Trusted by more than 225,000 organizations around the world in...Know more

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• 2年工作經驗式以上
• 有管理團隊經驗
• 中英文電腦操作 (Excel - Pivot Table, Vlookup..etc.)
• 良好溝通技巧

牛頭角 (鄰近地鐵站),5天工作
工作類型: 全職, 年終收獎金
薪酬: $15,000

有意者,請將履歷表傳送到 或致電 95412655 查詢。 

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