Employer Info

China Innovation Investment limited

Company User

China Innovation Investment Limited (the “Company”, Stock Code: 1217), one of the few investment companies in Hong Kong focusing on the investment industry, was incorporated in the Cayman Islands w...Know more

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l 崗位職責Job Responsibilities:

協助物業管理、資產管理、費用報銷、資產採購、資產租售、物業購買、社會責任、合理建議、資產盤點、信件管理、平臺監控等常規工作。Assist in routine work such as property management, asset management, expense reimbursement, asset procurement, asset rental and sale, property purchase, Social responsibility, reasonable suggestions, asset inventory, letter management, platform monitoring, etc.

l 崗位需求Job Requirements:

具有行政工作經驗,以及大學本科及以上學歷。Working experience in Administration, bachelor degree or above.

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