全職/兼職兒童體操導師 Full Time / Part Time Arco Teacher

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如果您熱愛體操,喜歡傳授知識和技能, 穩定和富有負責任 ,我們正在尋找您! 


  • 為學生教授正規體操技巧  
  • 設計和制定教學計劃和課程內容,根據學生的技能和興趣進行調整和改進  
  • 跟進學生進度 , 配合課程工作 
  • 協助帶領比賽/演出 


  • 專上教育 或 學士 
  • 良好語文溝通能力 
  • 守時, 可靠
  • 細心謹慎 
  • 有良好溝通能力 
  • 具豐富教學及工作經驗 真誠盡責,願意配合公司工作安排,懂團隊精神 
  • 有需要在星期六,日工作 
  • 對學生有愛心及耐性  


工作地點: 港島東區 

If you have a passion for arco, enjoy teaching and sharing knowledge, and are stable and responsible, we are looking for you! 

Job Responsibilities:  

  • Teach students proper techniques  
  • Design and develop teaching plans and course content 
  • Assist with Class work & Development 
  • Assist at performance and competitions 


  • Excellent communication skills with children and parents 
  • Energetic, confident personality 
  • Punctual and reliable 
  • Professional and Experienced 
  • Willing to adapt with company's arrangement, able to work in team 
  • Work during weekends 
  • Passion and Patience with students 

If you meet the above requirements and are interested in joining our team, please send your resume and cover letter to our email (hr.lesdanseurs@gmail.com). We look forward to your joining us!  

Location: Eastern District of Hong Kong Island.                    

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Please do not provide sensitive info such as HKID, Back Account and Credit Card Number when you apply the job post.

Don't believe in job advertisements requiring barely any experience or qualifications but offering a good sum of money.

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