
Employer Info

Vitasoy International Holdings Limited

Company User

Vitasoy International Holdings Limited is a leading manufacturer and distributor of plant-based food and beverages. Established in 1940 by the late Dr. Kwee-seong Lo in Hong Kong, the Company striv...Know more

Job Info
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- 倉務執貨
- 產品包裝
- 貨物上板

- 一般粵語; 懂讀寫中文
- 工作地區: 屯門
- 6 天工作 (星期一至六)[無需輪班, 銀行假期]
- 早班 : 07:15 - 17:45 / 07:15 - 19:45

薪金: $14,500 - $17,500
免費廠車服務 (皇后山邨、粉嶺、上水、大埔、大圍、天水圍、元朗、荃灣、葵芳、銅鑼灣、香港仔) 

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