茶囊領導品牌 - 全職銷售顧問 (無上限佣金)

Employer Info

Imperial Gallery Limited

Company User

We love tea.We’re aspired by the tea craftsmanship and culture that are rooted in thousand years of wisdom.We believe every sip of tea is substantial. Its impact is beyond the taste enjoyment, BUT ...Know more

Job Info

⭐Tea Château是穩健、年輕、有活力的養生茶飲品牌。


工作地點: 沙田

•熱誠和活力 ,歡迎性格進取

•6 天福利假

有意應徵者請 WHATSAPP 92227598 或按 https://wa.link/te0go0 申請,我們會盡快與合適的申請者聯絡。

要了解更多有關我們的資訊,請瀏覽公司網站 https://www.teachateau.com/ 

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