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威廉國際(香港)有限公司成立於1992年。在發展初期,公司主要為甲級商廈提供清潔服務及基本維修工程。經過多年的發展和公司各階層的努力下,業務發展已擴展至建築、維修工程、人力資源及客戶服務等服務。為配合不同專業範疇的業務拓展,本公司於2005年起先後成立「威廉國際建築有限公司」及 「運通國際發展有限公司」及隨著本公司於香港國際機場之業務發展,於2014年成立「威廉國際機場服務有限公司」以針對不...Know more


Job Info
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Accountant/Accounting ClerkResponsibilities: Perform Payroll functions and Handle MPF payment Responsible for general and full set accounting duties Prepare monthly reports Perform Ad-hoc duties To coordinate with internal and external partiesRequirements: F.7 or above, Diploma in accounting or related discipline 2-3 years relevant working experience Knowledge of Quick book, Microsoft word, Excel and Chinese Word Processing Keen to learn, responsible, and self-motivated Immediately available is preferred Candidates with less experience will be considered as Accounting Clerk5 days + alternative Sat – Locate in Airport Regal Hotel, HK International Airport 

Salary: NegotiableHotline: 2215 3668Contact person: Ms. LaiEmail: hr@williamintl.com.hk  

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