Employer Info
Galaxy (Asia) Limited
Company User
Galaxy is integrated marketing and design house, with over 10 years of experience in tailor-made marketing & design service. We differentiate ourselves by offering mix of Website Design, Visu...Know more
Job Info
主要職責:- 協助市民以平板電腦於流動登記站登記流動應用程式APP- 向市民推廣最新推出上架的流動應用程式APP- 協助市民下載、安裝、登記使流動應用程式APP
入職要求:- 最少3個月客戶服務或銷售經驗- 中學畢業- 懂一般電腦/手機操作
上班時間:- 一星期工作5日,需輪班輪休- 工作時間: 09:00-18:00- 工作期:12個月請於申請時提供可工作時段,成功連續於12個月內連續工作者,可額外獲得1個月薪金作獎賞
申請辦法:有意應徵者請將申請信,連同履歷表及可工作日子到公司電郵 (資料只用作招聘用途)
Please do not provide sensitive info such as HKID, Back Account and Credit Card Number when you apply the job post.
Don't believe in job advertisements requiring barely any experience or qualifications but offering a good sum of money.