Marketing Executive/ Senior Marketing Executive

Employer Info

DR-Max Limited

Company User

 與您攜手‧走得更遠  DR Max自2004年成立以來,已在教育出版界建立良好聲譽。本公司提供英語、數學以至通識等一系列科目的相關產品,是香港市場上的先行者。  成功產品包括透過點讀筆自主學習英語的Electronic English兒童英語教材,將百科全書轉化成點讀報章的《國際學生時報》,以及糅合點讀筆與平板電腦同時提供視、聽教學的《數易通SoEasy》數學教材。  於2020年,DR-...Know more

Job Info
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  • Job duties:

    Develop holistic marketing programs for our brands to achieve desirable brand building, positioning strategies & business objectives.
    • Work on digital media strategies (e.g. SEO, SEM, GA).
    • Monitor the marketing and promotion planning process to ensure promotions are planned and executed on schedule
    • Negotiate and cooperate with business partners to develop marketing plan.
    • Plan and organize the event, e.g. exhibition, outdoor event  
    • Act as a key coordinator on the event day to ensure a smooth operation and execution of all activities
    • Control and monitor P&L


  • University graduate in Marketing / Business or related disciplines
  • At least 1 -3 years' marketing experience, with event management experience is a definite advantage
  • Candidates coming from FMCG, education, child product or agency background is preferred
  • Responsible, independent, self-motivated, creative and people-oriented.
  • Passionate at work, willing to take challenge and break through
  • Able to work under pressure and commit to deadline and quality
  • Excellent command of written and spoken English & Chinese
  • More experience will be considered as Senior Marketing Executive 
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