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Health Care & Co.

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Health Care & Co. We are a medical supply company established in Hong Kong since 1979. Over these years, we have successfully gained our reputation by introducing new medical supplies and equip...Know more

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  • 確保所有服務流程均遵循標準作業程序
  • 參加產品培訓,進一步發展有效履行職責所需的技能和知識
  • 與銷售支援團隊和採購部門建立聯繫,確保有效參與和就服務相關問題進行溝通
  • 在技​​術支援部門內保持高水準的內務管理幫助實施公司政策和規則
  • 透過支援銷售團隊展示產品和提供卓越的售後服務,確保客戶滿意度


  • 中五學歷或以上
  • 具2 年客戶服務工作經驗
  • 具備良好的中英文書面和溝通能力
  • 精通MS Office及中文文字處理,需要紮實的電腦技能 

福利: 年假10-15日, 勤工獎, 醫療保險 ,牙醫或中醫保險, 婚假, 恩恤假, 員工購物優惠, 進修津貼,節日禮物等等

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Please do not provide sensitive info such as HKID, Back Account and Credit Card Number when you apply the job post.

Don't believe in job advertisements requiring barely any experience or qualifications but offering a good sum of money.

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