Events and Catering Sales Manager - Corporate / Wedding

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Panda Hotel

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Panda Hotel is a subsidiary of Hopewell Holdings Limited and one of the largest hotels in Hong Kong. We are committed to providing a ‘Home Away from Home’ experience for both guests and staff whom ...Know more

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Panda Hotel is a subsidiary of Hopewell Holdings Limited and one of the largest hotels in Hong Kong. We are committed to providing a ‘Home Away from Home’ experience for both guests and staff whom we regard as family. Every one of us believes that people are assets to the Panda Hotel and we always encourage continuous learning and striving for the best.


want to be part of a dynamic team?  

If you are self-driven, sales oriented and committed to take the challenges of achieving targets, enjoy working in the hospitality industry with a proven track record of events and catering sales

Panda Hotel is looking for an Events and Catering Sales Manager - Corporate / Events and Catering Sales Manager - Wedding.  The successful candidate will drive sales and solicit new business, analyse market trends and competitors’ activities, to identify business opportunities and convert into business leads.  Put time and effort into engaging the memorable experiences with our guests; ensure friendly and professional interactions with the local communities and business network and sales contacts.


As a family-friendly employer, we offer attractive remuneration package and fringe benefits to the right candidates. Interested parties can apply with full resume and expected salary to Human Resources & Training Department  ""

Personal data collected will be treated in strict confidence and will be used for recruitment purpose only. Applicants who are not invited for interview within 2 months may consider their applications unsuccessful. All data of unsuccessful applications will be destroyed after 6 months.

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