Senior Auditor / Auditor

Employer Info

ALPS Consultancy Limited

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Job Info
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  • Handle full set of account and audit assignments, 
  • Prepare and draft financial statements and audit reports, 
  • Compute and file Annual Tax Return to IRD, 
  • Perform ad-hoc assignment as required. 



  • F7 or above with HKICPA / ACCA, 
  • At least 3 years' relevant experience, 
  • Good command of spoken and written English, Cantonese and Putonghua, 
  • Self-motivate and able to work independently, 
  • Good skill in MS Office and Chinese word processing, 
  • Knowledge in Peachtree if preferable, 
  • Occasionally travel to PRC is required (Senior Auditor), 
  • Candidates with less experience and/or qualification will be considered as Auditor.  

Inerested parties, please send a detailed resume with current and expected salary to

All Information collected will be kept in strict confidence and wil be used for recruitment purpose only.

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