活動推廣大使 Event Sales Executive
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DS Marketing
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一間由好動愛玩年輕人組成嘅Sales & Marketing公司,透過活動將我哋嘅來至世界各地嘅客戶品牌,推廣去香港每一個角落。 我哋公司喺香港與唔同類型嘅公司合作,包括餐廳,生活品味,慈善機構以及手機應用程式,我哋需要外向創新,熱愛挑戰,喜歡團隊工作嘅人去加入我地。 Know more
Tsim Sha TsuiJob Info
- Diploma holder or equivalent 文憑或同等學歷或以上
- Able to work both indoor and outdoor 可以於戶外戶內工作
- Outgoing, Energetic, Enthusiastic 外向 有活力 熱衷
- Positive Thinking 正面思維
- Enjoy interacting with people 喜歡與人交流
- A good-team player 良好團隊合作精神
- Brainstorming creative ideas for clients 為客戶策劃創意主意
- Representing various of clients to promote their service / product 代表不同的客戶推廣服務或商品
- Achieving the seasonal sales goal 完成季度目標
- Show the positive imagine towards public 向公眾展示正面形象
- interact with the public 與公眾交流
- Young and energetic working environment, Work Hard Play Hard 年輕及有活力工作環境
- Extra bonus for top performers 傑出表現獎金
- 1-on-1 on-job training for personal development towards management level 以管理層為目標的單對單個人成長訓練
- Oversea Learning Opportunity 海外學習機會
Please do not provide sensitive info such as HKID, Back Account and Credit Card Number when you apply the job post.
Don't believe in job advertisements requiring barely any experience or qualifications but offering a good sum of money.