Admin Officer

Employer Info

ATA Aacurapid

Company User

Since 2000, Aacurapid starts with providing Executive and IT Specialist recruitment service. With our continuous talent network growth over these years, we have our own ICT, Application Development...Know more

Job Info
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• Assist in all-round general office administrative works such as procurement, office supplies, travel and hospitality, repair and maintenance, office renovation and relocation

• Monitor performance of vendors, recommend change to ensure continuous good quality deliverable in a cost-effective way

• Maintain accurate and orderly office record and filing system

• Work at reception counter to manage and provide good administrative services

• Assist in organizing company events


• At least 3 years or above relevant work experience, preferably gained in sizable company

• Excellent team player with strong motivation, proactive, able to work in a fast paced and results-driven environment

• Strong communication skills, interpersonal and customer services skills

• Good command of written and spoken English, Cantonese and Mandarin

• Proficiency PC knowledge in MS applications, including Word, Excel & Powerpoint

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