
Employer Info

Royalty HK

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About Royalty HK Limited Royalty HK Limited is founded by a group of young, enthusiastic and passionate professionals with almost 10 years experience in sales & marketing field.We deliver a ...Know more

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·      對客戶出席宣傳及推廣活動,包括室內、外展覽,學習提升應變力及溝通技巧

·      主動了解顧客的需要,提供有善及專業的產品諮詢服務 

·      參與銷售策略規劃,以極大化客戶的銷售額

·      參加新產品測試,制定方向及宣傳策略



·      一對一在職培訓

·      定期工作坊以提升不同領域的技能

·      良好的晉升階梯

·      「工作時認真,玩樂時更認真」的團隊文化

·      彈性工作時間



·      持有大專及以上學歷

·      樂意接受挑戰,勇於學習

·      積極主動並具有責任心

·      具良好的廣東話溝通技巧

·      自問不太死板

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Please do not provide sensitive info such as HKID, Back Account and Credit Card Number when you apply the job post.

Don't believe in job advertisements requiring barely any experience or qualifications but offering a good sum of money.

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