
Employer Info

CDF-Lagardere Company Limited

Company User

Newly formed in November 2017 and operated by CDFL, DUTY ZERO is now running eight Liquor & Tobacco duty free stores in the Hong Kong International Airport. The word “ZERO” represents starting ...Know more

Job Info
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  • 負責一般倉務工作, 如收貨, 點貨, 執貨, 發貨等 
  • 搬運貨物 
  • 盤點存貨 
  • 整理貨倉 
  • 協助處理其他指派工作 


  • 中三或以上學歷 
  • 1-2年相關工作經驗 
  • 懂讀寫中英文 
  • 良好溝通技巧 
  • 勤奮, 守時, 有責任心 



  • 5天工作(輪班輪休) 
  • 每天工作9小時 (8小時工作,1小時午膳時間) 
  • 17天銀行假期 
  • 12-17天有薪年假 
  • 交通津貼 
  • 勤工獎 
  • 每月銷售獎金 
  • 特別銷售獎勵計劃  
  • 酌情花紅 
  • 颱風津貼 
  • 有薪病假 
  • 醫療、牙醫福利 
  • 員工購物優惠等  


有意者請致電或Whatsapp:3913 2669, 或將履歷電郵至cdfl.hr@cdfl.com.hk

To learn more about our company, please visit our websites: https://www.dutyzero.com.hk and https://www.cdfg.com.cn 

All information provided by applicants will be treated in strict confidence and used for recruitment purpose only. All personal data of unsuccessful applicants will be retained for 6 months for future recruitment purpose and will then be destroyed.  

Beware of Employment Traps

Please do not provide sensitive info such as HKID, Back Account and Credit Card Number when you apply the job post.

Don't believe in job advertisements requiring barely any experience or qualifications but offering a good sum of money.

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