會計主任 Account Officer
Yorkfast Limited
Company User
HOUSE101 & APS101 are two elaborately developed online platforms that provide professional and all-rounded solutions. It benefits all parties on the property trading process, property agent, la...Know more
1. 負責處理全盤會計帳目, 包括應付帳款, 應收帳款及現金流量
2. 處理月結, 年結帳目及協助年度審計
3. 處理一般會計工作, 例如核對銀行往來帳目, 每日交易結算, 開發票及繳付帳單等
4. 有需要時處理特別項目
1. 擁有LCCI 中級程度証書 / 會計文憑
2. 中五以上學歷
3. 2-3年會計相關工作經驗
4. 熟悉Excel及精通Peachtree會計軟件
5. 注重資料及數據準確性及能獨立處理全盤帳目
6. 能專業地處理各類機密資料及數據
7. 勤奮, 負責, 有良好的組織及時間管理技能
8. 精通MS office並懂中文輸入法
9. 良好粵語, 普通話及英語
10. 可即時上班優先
有興趣的請發送簡歷到 hram@house101.com.hk
1. 5 days per week
2. Working Time: Mon – Fri 9:30am – 6:00pm
3. Bank holiday
4. Salary range: 18K – 21K
Please do not provide sensitive info such as HKID, Back Account and Credit Card Number when you apply the job post.
Don't believe in job advertisements requiring barely any experience or qualifications but offering a good sum of money.