銷售助理 Sales Coordinator

Employer Info

Honest Industrial Co Ltd

Company User

Honest Industrial Co. Ltd. Honest Industrial Co. Ltd. has been providing a wide range of quality material and products to meet customer’s need since 1992. As a material supply center, we provide...Know more

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  • 一般銷售工作包括準備報價單,發票等;
  • 與客戶聯繫並處理銷售訂單及查詢;


  • 中六程度或以上,應屆畢業生亦會考慮;
  • 願意學習、能獨立工作、積極進取;
  • 有良好的人際交往及溝通能力;
  • 懂一般電腦操作,包括MS Office, Word, Excel, Outlook及中英文打字
  • 良好粵語,一般英語及普通話
  • 可即時上班優先


• 底薪 (HKD 12,000 - 13,000) 另設佣金;銀行假期;年假十天起;醫療福利;年終花紅

• 星期一至五 每週工作五天;上午九時至下午六時


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Don't believe in job advertisements requiring barely any experience or qualifications but offering a good sum of money.

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