
Employer Info

C.A.Y. Stars Company

Company User

"There is no chance but choice." CA.Y. Group is an asset management group, providing all-round financial services and products to diverse individuals, including mutual fund, MPF, insurance, overse...Know more

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- 準備業務和營銷材料

- 協助並為現有客戶解單

- 核對客戶資料,處理保單文件

- 5天工作, 銀行假期

- 無須相關工作經驗,有完善在職培訓

- 清晰晉升階梯 


- 基本溝通能力

- 基本文書處理  

- 中學文憑試:五科及格或以上(包括中文或英文、及數學)

- 醫療津貼(包括門診Medical) 

- 豐富員工活動及福利(公司旅行,眾多團體活動)



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Don't believe in job advertisements requiring barely any experience or qualifications but offering a good sum of money.

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