Job Feature: Part-Time Jobs
Job Types
Job Functions
- Accounting / Auditing
- Administrative
- Banking / Finance
- Construct / Engineering
- Design
- Education
- Health / Beauty
- Hotel / Catering
- Human Resources
- Information Technology
- Insurance
- Logistics / Transportation
- Production
- Marketing / Public Relations
- Media / Advertisement
- Medical
- Procurement
- Professional Service
- Property Management
- Retail
- Sales / Customer Service
- Laboratory / Research
- Tourism / Sightseeing
- Other
Job Locations
Job Features
- Five day work week
- Working remotely
- Flexible working time
- Custom working time
- Shift work
- Night shift
- Public holidays
- Sunday official holiday
- Medical benefits
- Dentist benefits
- Overtime compensation
- Compensatory time
- Transportation allowance
- Zero overtime culture
- Work life balance culture
- Labour holiday
- Staff discount
- Staff free meal
- Commission system
- Performance bonus
- Work hard award
- Bonus
- Guaranteed double pay
- Contract gratuity
- Provide in service training
- No clothing requirements
- Uniformed
- Study funding
- Shuttle bus
- Daily pay
- Welcoming people with disabilities
Payment Methods
駕駛輕型貨車、5.5噸貨車; 按照客人訂單執貨、妥善派送急凍貨物; 負責上落貨物、機場提貨等; 定時檢查汽車; 保持車輛內外清潔; ,必具備"交通違例判罪記錄證明書"持10分或以上
Hourly Pay(HKD) : $80
Company User : Zen Foods Co., Ltd
Contract Tobacco Brand Ambassadors (Airport Location)
Our client is a global tobacco and vaping international company. With more than 44,000 employees driving the success all over the world, we are now looking for contract brand ambassadors to bring our customers the highest-quality tobacco products.
Monthly Pay(HKD) : $15000 - $17500
Company User : VMSD Hong Kong Pte Limited
中港兩地理財策劃顧問, 為中港兩地客戶提供專業的保險理財,資產和財富管理、投資及退休、風險管理方案等
Monthly Pay(HKD) : $15000 - $40000
Company User : A Plus Wealth Management
- Repetitive Freelance JobsPart-Time JobsFull Time JobsInsuranceKwun TongHome OfficeWorking remotelyFlexible working timeCustom working timeFive day work weekMedical benefitsWork life balance cultureCommission systemPerformance bonusProvide in service trainingNo clothing requirementsBonusCertificate diploma or aboveMonthly PayHKDBank Transfer
STEM BUS 巴士車廠導賞助理員 (兼職)
此職位主要負責在參觀巴士車廠期間確保參加者的安全,並提醒他們遵守相關的安全規定。工作內容包括根據需要向參加者派發反光衣,協助導賞員及處理導賞活動的行政工作,如每團的登記、STEM 工作坊物資的派發,以及事後的網上問卷填寫等。此職位需要良好的組織能力和溝通技巧,以確保活動順利進行。
Hourly Pay(HKD) : $60
Company User : SOCIF LIMITED
STEM BUS 巴士車廠導賞員 (兼職)
此職位主要負責帶領機構團體參觀巴士車廠,透過互動和教育提升參加者對巴士運作及相關科技的了解。工作內容包括介紹車廠歷史及特色,帶領參加者體驗智能巴士系統,教授 STEM 概念,並確保參加者的安全與滿意度。
Hourly Pay(HKD) : $120 - $150
Company User : SOCIF LIMITED