Job Search: Sales - Page 4

Salary Currencies

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  • 機場高級店務員 $20K up (新人獎金$8,000)

    ~純粹的甜蜜盛意,盡在龍島~ 龍島一直追求匠心創意,以頂級材料及原創食譜,打造獨具非凡的朱古力及甜點,見證東、西方文化完美融合的同時,每一口皆蘊藏着细膩工藝,滿載濃郁的本地文化。

    Monthly Pay(HKD) : $20000

    Company User : Lucullus Food & Wines Co Ltd

  • 區域經理 (Sales Representative)

    為餐飲業及酒店業客戶提供專業的清潔、衛生流程方案; 定期進行店訪並為客戶提供現場技術支援、清潔設備檢查及推廣公司產品 (洗碗碟機、清潔用品等); 提供良好的客戶服務以建立長遠的客戶關

    Monthly Pay(HKD) : $18000 - $24000

    Company User : Ecolab Limited 藝康化工有限公司

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  • Manager - Digital Marketing

    We are seeking a creative and results-driven Digital Marketing Manager to join our dynamic team. The ideal candidate will have a passion for digital marketing and a strong understanding of the Indian grocery market. You will be responsible for developing and executing innovative digital marketing strategies, with a particular focus on social media marketing, to enhance our online presence, drive customer engagement, and increase sales.

    Monthly Pay(HKD) : $28000 - $32000


  • 營業代表(空缺編號:29925)


    Monthly Pay(HKD) : $20250 - $20300

    Company User : sunlight employment agency

  • Recruitment Manager

    Participate in full cycle of recruitment process including application, screening, scheduling of interviews and documents preparation

    Monthly Pay(HKD) : $16000 - $20000

    Company User : Maid@Maid Express

  • Sales Manager (Recruitment)

    Participate in full cycle of recruitment process including application, screening, scheduling of interviews and documents preparation

    Monthly Pay(HKD) : $16000 - $20000

    Company User : Maid@Maid Express

  • Business Manager (Recruitment)

    Participate in full cycle of recruitment process including application, screening, scheduling of interviews and documents preparation

    Monthly Pay(HKD) : $16000 - $20000

    Company User : Maid@Maid Express

  • Sales/Recruitment Consultant

    Participate in full cycle of recruitment process including application, screening, scheduling of interviews and documents preparation

    Monthly Pay(HKD) : $16000 - $20000

    Company User : Maid@Maid Express

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  • (Associate) Director of Marketing & Sales

    We are seeking a dynamic and experienced Director of Marketing & Sales to lead our international marketing and sales strategies. This role is pivotal in driving brand awareness, business development, and achieving revenue targets. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in the hospitality industry, with a passion for wellness and a proven track record of successful marketing and sales initiatives.

    Monthly Pay(HKD) : $0

    Company User : Serensia Woods (Hong Kong) Limited

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