Job Feature: Certificate diploma or above
Job Types
Job Functions
- Accounting / Auditing
- Administrative
- Banking / Finance
- Construct / Engineering
- Design
- Education
- Health / Beauty
- Hotel / Catering
- Human Resources
- Information Technology
- Insurance
- Logistics / Transportation
- Production
- Marketing / Public Relations
- Media / Advertisement
- Medical
- Procurement
- Professional Service
- Property Management
- Retail
- Sales / Customer Service
- Laboratory / Research
- Tourism / Sightseeing
- Other
Job Locations
Job Features
- Five day work week
- Working remotely
- Flexible working time
- Custom working time
- Shift work
- Night shift
- Public holidays
- Sunday official holiday
- Medical benefits
- Dentist benefits
- Overtime compensation
- Compensatory time
- Transportation allowance
- Zero overtime culture
- Work life balance culture
- Labour holiday
- Staff discount
- Staff free meal
- Commission system
- Performance bonus
- Work hard award
- Bonus
- Guaranteed double pay
- Contract gratuity
- Provide in service training
- No clothing requirements
- Uniformed
- Study funding
- Shuttle bus
- Daily pay
- Welcoming people with disabilities
Payment Methods
Customer Service Executive
Serve the customer precisely from the file stage until the delivery is completed; Job control from File in, Ozalid approval and follow design process; Handle and manage client enquiries, outstanding orders and customer support
Monthly Pay(HKD) : $18000 - $20000
Company User : 泰業印刷有限公司
管理店舖運營,包括銷售、POS 系統及庫存管理 帶領團隊提升顧客服務質素,達至公司營運指標 培訓團隊,指導店員如何銷售產品 管理店舖商品的採購訂單、交貨和上架等 分析銷售業績 與不同團隊在商店舉辦活動、視覺營銷方面密切合作
Monthly Pay(HKD) : $17000 - $23000
Company User : Don Nelson Recruitment Limited
Customer Officer (Full-time / Part-time) - Japanese Speaking (客戶主任, 日文)
Customer Officer (Full-time / Part-time) - Japanese Speaking (客戶主任, 日文)
Monthly Pay(HKD) : $15000 - $20000
Company User : HKT Services LTD
Marketing Operator (五天工作)(休星期日)($16,000-$20,000)
為配合業務發展,現誠徵 Marketing Assistant
Monthly Pay(HKD) : $12000 - $20000
Company User : Ngan Yuet Health & Beauty Limited
[南區] 餐廳接待員 Restaurant Receptionist (香港木球會)
The Hong Kong Cricket Club
Monthly Pay(HKD) : $19000
Company User : The Hong Kong Cricket Club
歡迎各業等界人士加入, [經驗不拘,長期聘請]
Monthly Pay(HKD) : $13000 - $50000
Company User : A Plus Wealth Management
Customer Officer (Full-time / Part-time)- Korean Speaking (客戶主任, 韓文)
Customer Officer (Full-time / Part-time)- Korean Speaking (客戶主任, 韓文)
Monthly Pay(HKD) : $15000 - $20000
Company User : HKT Services LTD
客戶主任 - 在線對話 / 電郵 (沙田) - 歡迎畢業生
客戶主任 - 在線對話 / 電郵 (沙田) - 歡迎畢業生
Monthly Pay(HKD) : $15000 - $20000
Company User : HKT Services LTD
Senior Receptionist / Receptionist (VIP Centre, Tsim Sha Tsui)
Receptionist 接待員 (工作地點: 尖沙咀)
Monthly Pay(HKD) : $14000 - $15000
Company User : Konica Minolta Business Solutions (HK) Limited
負責客戶之會計和簿記服務有關的工作, 包括一般日常會計核算工作, 解答客戶查詢(電話,即時通訊程式等), 與客戶溝通, 處理客戶提供之財務文件(如銀行月結單據,發票,收據等),記錄會計帳冊; 編制會計記帳憑證及電腦入帳等
Hourly Pay(HKD) : $80 - $110
Company User : AccGirl
MPF, Insurance & Retirement Planning Consultant
Monthly Pay(HKD) : $15000 - $35000
Company User : A Plus Wealth Management
- Repetitive Freelance JobsPart-Time JobsFull Time JobsInsuranceKwun TongFlexible working timeCustom working timeFive day work weekPublic holidaysMedical benefitsWork life balance cultureCommission systemPerformance bonusProvide in service trainingNo clothing requirementsBonusCertificate diploma or aboveMonthly PayHKDBank Transfer
為客戶提供全面財務策劃服務, 包括投資儲蓄, 退休策劃, 人壽保險, 疾病意外, 醫療住院, 強積金等, 團體保障, 年金及退休方案予個人或公司客戶
Monthly Pay(HKD) : $15000 - $50000
Company User : A Plus Wealth Management
- Repetitive Freelance JobsPart-Time JobsFull Time JobsInsuranceKwun TongOther OverseaHome OfficeChange by needFlexible working timeMedical benefitsWork life balance cultureCommission systemPerformance bonusProvide in service trainingBonusStudy fundingCertificate diploma or aboveMonthly PayHKDBank Transfer